how my laywer helped after a workplace injury

The 2 L’s Of Personal Injury Law: Liability And Loss

There are two key factors that separate personal injury cases from run-of-the-mill accidents. These two factors are liability and loss. When trying to determine whether or not your recent accident could result in a successful personal injury claim, you will need to begin by determining whether or not both of these factors are present in your case. Liability The ability to establish legal liability is essential to the success of any personal injury lawsuit. Read More 

How to Estimate the Value of Compensatory Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

When you sue after you have been in a car accident, you are typically hoping that a judge or jury will award you enough in monetary compensation to pay all of your bills related to the accident and to pay for any loss of future earnings if your injuries or disabilities are long lasting. You can try to figure out what amount of compensatory damages you might get awarded to settle the claim (this doesn't include any punitive damages you might get awarded if the other driver was willfully negligent in causing the accident). Read More 

Frequently Asked Questions About Workers’ Compensation

Navigating the world of workers' compensation can be tricky. These frequently asked questions may address some of your biggest concerns. Why would my employer dispute my claim? Employers are forced to pay a premium in order for workers to receive compensation. When an injured employee files a claim, the employer may be forced to pay a higher rate. This is especially the case if you require surgery or have a very severe injury. Read More 

Mistakes People Make When Filling A Personal Injury Claim

If you have been involved in a slip-and-fall accident where you have had medical treatment and perhaps missed work as a result, filing a personal injury claim is a good idea if you wish to be reimbursed for the expenses and lost wages you have incurred. Mistakes made when filing a claim can cause you to lose these monetary reimbursements. Here are some of the biggest mistakes people make when filing a slip-and-fall injury claim. Read More 

How To Help Someone Who Has Been In A Car Accident

If you have been called to the scene of an accident or to a hospital because someone you are close to has been injured (or you were a passenger in the vehicle), there are some valuable things you can do to help the person. At the Scene If you are able to follow the accident, it would be an excellent idea to take pictures or video of the vehicles with your cell phone or camera, once emergency services have been called and all the injured are being properly cared for. Read More